"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Phil 3:14

Monday, March 28, 2011

Almost There

Thursday will mark the 3oth day for my Ripped in 30 self-challenge. I did not lose any weight, but that was not my goal. I do however feel much stronger and leaner. I highly recommend this DVD to anyone looking for a new challenge or a way to get over a workout plateau. A self-challenge is a great way to motivate yourself. So set a goal, whether it be a 30-day challenge, a 5K, running a mile in under 8 minutes, etc. Do something outside of the box, your body will thank you!

"Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize."
1 Corinthians 9:24 NIV

I've decided to start rotating my workouts every 30 days in order to keep my body guessing and to prevent plateaus. My next 30 days will consist of Jillian Michaels' 6-week 6-pack, X-Tend Barre: Lean and Chiseled, and JM's Yoga Meltdown since I get bored easily. ;-) My whole thought is that for March I was doing HIIT- high intensity interval training and April will be strengthening and toning in the yoga, pilates, barre method fashions. Here are some benefits to using your own body weight for strength training. It is a great method, especially for women as we usually do not want to get big and bulky, but we would rather build long, lean muscle. Skinny sucks, Muscle is beautiful!


  1. Yay! Great idea for a blog! I'll be depending on you to help me get this baby weight off once #2 gets here! For now, I think I'll just stick to my twice-daily waddle around the block :)

  2. Lindsay- "waddle"? LOL you are glowing! And I'd be more than happy to be your drill Sargent... er I mean trainer ;-)
