"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." Phil 3:14

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Letter B!

Last week we started home school with the letter "E" and made Easter eggs and a Stained Glass Cross and Egg. G has her two friends "M" and "L" over for school every Monday morning and then we are doing field trips throughout the week for lots of hands-on learning and using teachable moments whenever we can.

Today we did the Letter B! I had everyone wear the color Blue, to keep with the theme.
We read the books Guess How Much I Love You, Bee & Me, Colors Everywhere, Bunny My Honey, and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. We sang several songs including "The Wheels on the Bus", ABCs, and "Ba Ba Black Sheep".
We made Easter Egg Bunnies and decorated little Bags "Bunny Bags" with foam stickers.
We made Aussie BITES, which are made with ingredients including Butter, Brown Sugar, and Honey (made by bees!). The girls had so much fun helping me make those.
While the Aussie Bites were baking we worked on categorizing by color, animal, and size using Lakeshore Critter Counters. The girls found it very easy to sort by color, a little more challenging to sort by animal and to separate big animals and little animals was the most difficult. They wanted to keep the "babies and their mommies" together.

We made homemade bubble juice and blew bubbles outside where we happened to see a ladyBUG. The girls ran around outside pretending to be things that fly- Bumble Bees, LadyBugs, Butterflies, and Airplanes.
The girls celebrating the ladBug they found!
Then we finished by singing more songs.

We had so much and I am enjoying learning right alongside the girls as they learn. It has been really good for G to have M and L over as she is learning a lot
about sharing, taking turns, and patience.

Ok now on to nap time and Mommy trying out my new workout video that just arrived from Amazon! So excited to try my just released Xtend Barre: Lean & Chiseled DVD! Anyone ever heard of the Barre Method (hey I'm keeping with the theme of the letter B today- woo hoo!)? As in the ballet barre? The idea is to give you a dancer's body without being a dancer. Let's see how that goes...

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